Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology
16th Annual meeting

10 & 11 April 2006
Conway Institute, University College Dublin


  Bioinformatics and statistical genetics, twin themes of the long-running series of annual MASAMB meetings (see the archive), have gained huge impetus from large-scale genome sequencing projects and development of high-throughput biological assay systems, including gene-expression microarrays. These immense data resources, and the underlying complexities of molecular and cell biology, provide exciting research opportunitities for numerate scientists.

With typically around 60-80 participants from mathematics, statistics, computer science, bioinformatics, biology and related fields, the MASAMB meetings provide an intimate setting for exchange of ideas in methodological and applied research. Research students and scientists newly entering the field of genomic research are particularly welcome.

The meeting will contain approximately 15 half-hour talks selected from participants' submissions (see timetable), plus a poster session.

  Important Dates: 
                        6th December 2005:    Registration is now closed       
                        1st February    2006:    Poster and Talk submission deadline
                        1st March         2006:    Registration Closes
                        7th March         2006:    Program available.
  Registration The cost of registration will be €90 (€60 for students) and will include the conference dinner in the Hotel.  
Submissions Paper abstracts should be no longer than 2 pages and poster abstracts should be 1 paragraph.
  Accommodation  The nearest hotel is the Jury's Montrose located at the entrance to UCD. The conference rate of a single/double room will be €98/ €108
  Transport  Details of how to reach University College Dublin can be found here. A map of the Campus can be found here. The Conway building is number 15 on the map.  
  Enquiries regarding the organisation, registration or any other details about the workshop should be made to masamb2006 AT  
  Address for correspondence:
    MASAMB 2006  c/o Des Higgins
UCD Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research
University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4

Programme Committee:
    Martin Bishop
Nick Goldman
Des Higgins
Wolfgang Huber
Paul Verrier

Acknowledgement: This website is based on last years MASAMB website by Paul Verrier